The Venturi Principle

The SUCKOMATIC is new, innovative and revolutionary device developed to assist consumers in removing unwanted water from difficult places. Nicked named “The Water Sucker”, the SUCKOMATIC uses the age-old venturi principal to assist with the suction of water from hard to reach places. In general terms the venturi pumps operates by pushing water through the venturi nozzle of the pump. During this process water is accelerated through the pump and with this accelerated speed a vacuum is created to suck away unwanted water.
Launched initially as a water sucking device for jet ski footwells and boats, the SUCKOMATIC has more than just marine applications and can be used in pits, sinks, fish tanks, trenches, footing and any other place that unwanted water gathers. We are always so fascinated by our customers emailing us and informing us of the new and inventive ways they have used the SUCKOMATIC to remove unwanted water.
The SUCKOMATIC solves the difficult problem of removing water from marine vessels located on the water or land by simply attaching the SUCKOMATIC device to any garden hose. This Australian invention was created on the Gold Coast by using 3D print technology. Without the invention of this technology it would not have been possible to develop the internal chambers of the SUCKOMATIC. With a simply CLICK (click on the garden hose), STICK (stick the SUCKOMATIC in the water) and SUCK (turn on the garden hose) water is removed with ease.
he team behind SUCKOMATIC are pleased to be 100% Australian owned and manufactured and with all the recent economic uncertainty SUCKOMATIC aims to grow to rapidly creating jobs in Australia.